
South Stack Lighthouse



Only limited editions

Your print will be one of only a few that exist in the world - ever.

Free delivery

Tracked, free delivery in the UK. Worldwide delivery £10 or less.

Premium papers and inks

Hahnemühle Bamboo or Photorag, printed in a Shoreditch studio.

More information

Printing sustainably

I believe that 'sustainability is no longer an option'. So I take every step I can to make sure that my work and products have little or no impact on the environment. I will also always be completely clear about how and where they are made.

My prints are made-to-order by a carbon neutral studio based in London. They offset all their emissions, right down to their staff travelling to work. They use sustainably sourced Inkjet papers, recyclable paper sleeves, cardboard tubes and tape made from recycled fibres, biodegradable bubble wrap and recyclable plastics when needed. I'm also trialling a new printing paper made from bamboo, since it's a more renewable resource.

After I sign and number the print, I'll send it to you in the same packaging and carbon offset the delivery.

International shipping

I can deliver worldwide. To keep the delivery price as low as possible, tell me where you are ordering from and I'll let you know how much it will cost.

About limited editions

All of my prints are limited edition, usually in runs of 100, 50 or 30 depending on the size. That means when you order one of my prints, it will be one of only a few that exist in the world - ever. And your print will be signed and numbered, to prove it.

Reproductions and legal information

Your print is a limited edition. However, I reserve the right to reproduce this image for use in greetings cards, calendars, books and for any other promotional purposes. These reproductions are not considered originals, but may effect the value of your print. Although every effort has been made to ensure the measurements are correct, this is not guaranteed as each print is individually made and some may be hand cut. Prints are shipped free to the UK, and worldwide upon enquiry.

Returns and refunds

Unfortunately, you can't return unwanted prints because they are limited editions. But if your print is damaged on arrival or lost by the courier, let me know no later than 14 days after your estimated delivery date. I will investigate and send you a replacement.
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